Includes documentation on using software developed by the Build and Release Team.
Instructions and Overview of the Kepler Build System.
- Feature list and instructions for the Kepler build system.
Abstract Module Tree
Ppod Module Tree
NMI Build Notes
Developing a Hello World Actor using the Kepler Build System and Eclipse
- A tutorial about how to develop a simple actor.
Module-based additional software installer
- A requirements document for module-based custom installers.
Proposed usage scenarios for publishing and patching Kepler modules
Releasing and Patching
Eclipse New Java Class Window
- A screen shot of the Eclipse "New Java Class" window right before Finish is selected.
Eclipse Organize Imports Window
- The Eclipse Organize Imports Window with selected.
Eclipse Override/Implement Window
- The Eclipse Override/Implement Window with the method selected.
Eclipse Run Configuration Window for HelloWorld
- The Eclipse Run Configuration window for the HelloWorld example
Eclipse Run Configuration New Configuration Button
- The New Configuration button in the Eclipse Run Configuration Window.