Reference documents for Kepler developers.
Software Development Guidelines
Because Kepler is a collaborative project, adhering to consistent formatting and naming conventions is especially important. Please review the guidelines for information about best practices.
Kepler and Eclipse
How to check out, build, and run the Kepler source code using the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Executing Kepler from the Command Line
How to execute Kepler from the command line (with or without the GUI ("headless"))
Adding a New Java Actor to Kepler - A Quick Tutorial
Does your new Java actor source use only existing Ptolemy or Kepler classes? Compile and import the actor into Kepler with a few simple steps.
Adding New Classes (JARs) to Kepler
Did you write an actor that uses new Java classes? See this tutorial for information about how to add new classes to Kepler.
Accessing and Configuring HSQL Databases
To access or configure one of Kepler's HSQL databases (containing provenance, or cache information), follow these instructions.
Ptolemy Package Dependencies
In Ptolemy II 7.0, the package dependencies are encoded in the makefiles. For more information, please see this page.
Kepler Installer Checklist
Are you creating a Kepler installer? Here's a handy checklist to peruse before deploying it.
What happens when Kepler starts up
A brief look at some useful aspects of the initialization process when Kepler starts up.
Kepler User Manual
The Kepler User Manual is a comprehensive Kepler reference with chapters dedicated to the Kepler project and history; installing and running Kepler; scientific workflows; working with existing scientific workflows; building scientific workflows with existing actors; working with data sets; using remote computing resources (the grid and Web services); mathematical, data analysis, and visualization packages (R, MATLAB, ImageJ, GIS systems); domain specific workflows (examples of Kepler workflows prototyped or built for chemistry, ecology, geology, molecular biology, oceanography, and phylogeny domains); creating new actors; and using R in Kepler.
Using event-state in your module
The 'event-state' module contains a framework for communicating gui state changes among Kepler modules.
Updating the Kepler Directors and Actors
How to update the set of Directors and Actors that are shipped with Kepler
Update Ptolemy Third Party Package Dependencies
Kepler uses Ptolemy II and Ptolemy II optionally includes third party packages. See below for a description of what files need to be updated to exclude a Ptolemy II third party package.
validate-ptolemy cron job
Information on the configuration of the cron job that periodically executes 'ant validate-ptolemy' to test and, if it works, change the revision of Ptolemy that Kepler runs against to the current Ptolemy trunk revision

Eclipse Preferences Window, Compiler Pane
The Eclipse Preferences Window with the Compiler Pane showing that the "Compiler compliance level" is set to 1.6
create actor xml and documentation based on its class
This doc explains how to create actor xml/documentation after a new actor is implemented.