Leadership Team
The Kepler Project is dedicated to furthering and supporting the capabilities, use, and awareness of the free and open-source scientific workflow application, Kepler. Primary responsibility for achieving these goals lies with the Kepler Project’s Leadership Team, which will work to assure the long-term technical and financial viability of Kepler by making strategic decisions on behalf of the Kepler user community, as well as providing an official and durable point-of-contact to articulate and represent the interests of the Kepler Project and the Kepler software application.
- Management Charter
- Leadership Team Roadmap
- Mark Schildhauer (through 2010)
- Timothy McPhillips (through 2011)
- Bertram Ludaescher (through 2010)
- Matthew Jones (through 2012)
- Christopher Brooks (through 2011)
- Shawn Bowers (through 2012)
- Ilkay Altintas (through 2011)
Collaboration Tools
Work in progress

Archived material is available as a reference, but may not be current.