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New version of Science Pipes now live

A new version of Science Pipes is now online.

The Ecological Society of America , Cornell Lab of Ornithology and NCEAS are pleased to announce the release of a new version of Science Pipes.

Science Pipes is a free service that lets you connect to real ecological data, use simple tools to create visualizations and web feeds, and embed results on your own site or blog.

This release includes a large update of our Kepler backend, fixes and additions to the web interface, and four new modules for users to explore: Cemetery Demography, Darwin's Finches, Forest Population Structure, and North American Pollen. We hope you find these new modules and associated help pages and example pipes useful.

If you're new to Science Pipes, you may want to visit our Quick Start page.


Please note there are a few bugs with using Science Pipes in Internet Explorer 9, so we recommend instead Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.


This work was completed with funding from the National Science Foundation, DUE-1044359.

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