What's New
bioKepler 1.2 released
We are pleased to announce the release of bioKepler 1.2.
Kepler 2.5 released
Kepler 2.5 contains numerous bug fixes and enhancements, and provides a platform for the upcoming releases of bioKepler and the Reporting Suite.
biokepler 1.1 released
We are pleased to announce the release of bioKepler 1.1.
bioKepler 1.0 released
We are pleased to announce the release of bioKepler 1.0.
Reporting 2.4 Suite Released
We are pleased to announce the release of the Reporting 2.4 suite for Kepler 2.4. The Reporting suite includes the ability to create reports displaying workflow results, capture provenance of workflow execution, and manage workflow runs.
Kepler 2.4 released
Kepler 2.4 contains numerous bug fixes and enhancements, and provides a platform for the upcoming releases of bioKepler (biokepler.org) and the Reporting Suite.
New version of Science Pipes now live
A new version of Science Pipes is now online.
ICCS 2012 Workshop Highlights Advances in Kepler Scientific Workflows
Workshop Gathers Myriad Success Stories Across Diverse Applications
Reporting 2.3 Add-on Suite Released
The Reporting module adds useful features to the Kepler scientific workflow system, including the ability to track the provenance of workflow results, design reports displaying results, and manage workflow runs. Reporting 2.3 addresses many bugs, adds new features, and makes many improvements to the GUIs of Reporting 2.1. A new Workflow Scheduler suite is also included, enabling users to schedule workflows for periodic execution by a remote Kepler server.
Kepler 2.3 Released
Kepler 2.3 is an incremental improvement upon 2.2. It contains many bug fixes and infrastructure improvements, paving the way for smoother minor, patch, and 3rd party add-on module releases in the future. Some improvements and additions to the GUI will also be noticed, including preliminary support for exporting workflows to static images and html, and a vastly improved Automate Layout feature.
Serpens Suite for Kepler released
The Serpens suite for Kepler, a set of actors, composites and workflows that provide support for different grid middleware stacks - (e.g. gLite and UNICORE), has been released by the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC).
Reporting, Workflow Run Manager, Provenance, and Tagging add-on module suites released, Sept 30, 2010
The Kepler Project is pleased to announce the availability of the Reporting, Workflow Run Manager, Provenance, and Tagging add-on module suites for Kepler 2.1.
Kepler 2.1 released, Sept 30, 2010
The Kepler Project is pleased to announce the release of Kepler 2.1.
Kepler 2.0 Released, June 24, 2010
The Kepler Project is pleased to announce the availability of Kepler 2.0, a major update to the Kepler scientific workflow system. Representing the combined efforts of numerous individuals and projects, Kepler is a user-friendly, open-source application for analyzing, modeling, and sharing scientific data and analytical processes.
Japanese translation of Kepler Getting Started Guide
Makoto Oba and Akiko Ogawa have translated the Kepler Getting Started Guide into Japanese.
Kepler was featured in a Scientific Computing article.
Kepler was featured in a Scientific Computing article by Terence Critchlow, the SPA Thrust Area Lead within the SciDAC SDM Center.
Kepler talks at EIM 2008
Kepler was featured in several talks at the Environmental Information Management 2008 conference.
Kepler Newsletter September 2008
The September 2008 Kepler Newsletter has been released, including overviews of the pPod project, the Stakeholder's meeting, and a technical tip on conditional execution.
Kepler 1.0.0 Released, May 12, 2008
The Kepler Project is pleased to announce the availability of Kepler 1.0.0, the first official release of the Kepler scientific workflow system. Representing the combined efforts of numerous individuals and projects, Kepler is a user-friendly, open-source application for analyzing, modeling, and sharing scientific data and analytical processes.
Hydrant: Web-based workflow execution system released, May 9, 2008
Hydrant, developed by Tristan King at James Cook University, provides the means for users to deploy and share their workflows and results on the web. For more information, or to use Hydrant, please see the Hydrant project site.
Release candidate 1 for Kepler released (kepler-1.0.0rc1), Feb 11, 2008
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Full-day Kepler Tutorial, Nov 11, 2007
The full-day Kepler tutorial provides an introduction to scientific workflow construction and management (Part I) and includes a detailed hands-on session (Part II) using the Kepler system.
Kepler/CORE funded, Sept 1, 2007
The Office of Cyberinfrastructure at the National Science Foundation has awarded $1.7M over three years to a team of researchers from UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, and UC San Diego to develop Kepler/CORE, a Comprehensive, Open, Reliable, and Extensible Scientific Workflow Infrastructure.
Kepler beta3 released, Jan 8, 2007
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Full-day Kepler tutorial at SC06 conference, Nov 12, 2006
The full-day Kepler tutorial provides an introduction to scientific workflow construction and management (Part I) and includes a detailed hands-on session (Part II) using the Kepler system.
Kepler workflows enable LiDAR data processing on Grid, Oct 18, 2006
Transforming vast LiDAR data sets into useful topographic maps requires sifting through billions of three-dimensional data points and running computationally intensive algorithms. Researchers from the Geosciences Network are working to make this process easier for a larger number of scientists using a data processing workflow accessed through a Web portal.
Kepler beta2 released, June 24, 2006
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Kepler beta1 released, June 2, 2006
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Kepler alpha9 released, March 7, 2006
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Kepler alpha8 released, Jan 2, 2006
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Kepler alpha7 released, July 15, 2005
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Kepler alpha6 released, Apr 29, 2005
This version of Kepler can be found along with other installers for previous Kepler versions in the Kepler distribution directory.
Ptolemy/Kepler mini conference, May 12, 2005
The Sixth Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference was held on Thursday May 12, 2005 at the Soda Hall HP Auditorium on the University of California campus, Berkeley, California.
Reporting 2.5 Suite Released
We are pleased to announce the release of the Reporting 2.5 suite for Kepler 2.5. The Reporting suite includes the ability to create reports displaying workflow results, capture the provenance of workflow execution, and manage workflow runs.
Kepler tutorial at eResearch Summer Hackfest
A Kepler tutorial was given at the eResearch Summer Hackfest July 4-15, 2016.
Kepler Workshop at ICCS 2016
The third Advances in the Kepler Scientific Workflow System and Its Applications Workshop was held at ICCS 2016.