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Building (and running) OSGi Kepler with Eclipse

This page explains how to build the monolithic Kepler OSGi bundle from the svn repository using Eclipse.

Red TriangleThis was experimental work for evaluating OSGi and no longer applies.

Set up Eclipse Ganymede

Download Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers or you can also install the PDE feature to your existing Ganymede installation using the Software Updates tool.

Also make sure you have Subclipse installed (the update site is

Uncheck "Build Automatically" in the Eclipse project menu

Get Kepler and Ptolemy from their SVN repositories

Show the SVN Repositories View

Window -> Show View -> Other...
SVN -> SVN Repositories

Add the SVN Repositories

Right Click in the SVN Repositories View
New -> Repository Location...
Right Click in the SVN Repositories View
New -> Repository Location...
Url: svn://

Checkout Kepler trunk as a plugin project


Subclipse checkout



Subclipse checkout wizard 1


Subclipse checkout wizard 2


Subclipse checkout wizard 3


Subclipse checkout wizard 4


Subclipse checkout wizard 5 press ok

Export ptolemy into the org.kepler.kernel project


Subclipse export

Subclipse export wizard 1

Rename trunk to ptII

Window -> Show View -> Other...
General -> Navigator


Rename wizard 1

Set up the classpath

Copy the contents of .classpath.osgi into .classpath

Export external Jars and set them as your target platform


Export external

Export external wizard 1


Target Platform

Check for 1.5 compliant JDK


Installed JREs

Build the project

Build Project

Build the karlib

Open build.xml and click on the document so your cursor is in it

External Tools Configurations

Ant buildkarlib 1

Ant buildkarlib 2

Ant buildkarlib 3

Apply and run the new ant build "External Tool Configuration"


Delete all of the kar files in kar/actors except for a few simple ones
like StringConstant.kar and Display.kar

This is a workaround until the objectmanager is updated
see Steps for Kepler conversion to OSGi

Extract the resources

Copy the entire org.kepler.kernel directory into your .kepler directory
Rename .kepler/org.kepler.kernel to .kepler/kepler.kernel.resources

this is just another ugly workaround for the time being...

Create an OSGi Run Configuration

Run Configurations

OSGi Run Configuration bundles tab

Running in the debugger

After you have your run configuration set up, there will be a corresponding debug configuration that you can use for debugging


Exporting the bundle

Export Bundle

Export bundle wizard 1

Export bundle wizard 2

Export bundle wizard 3


the export takes a LONG LONG time... (like 30+ minutes) and is placed in a directory called plugins

See the instructions for running an implementation to fire your bundle up in Equinox


Other stuff you might play with

The Manifest editor

Manifest Editor



Note that the manifest editor also has a tab to edit the file




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