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Enable Globus actors in Kepler 2.0

This page explains how to enable Globus actors in Kepler 1.x and 2.0

Globus actors in Kepler are not included in the default Kepler 2.0 installation package. Yet users can still add them into Kepler easily.

To initiate, monitor, manage, schedule, and/or coordinate remote computations, Globus toolkit(GT) supports the Grid Resource Allocation and Management (GRAM) interface. Many Globus toolkit versions, including GT 3.2, GT 4.0 and GT 4.2.*, support two different GRAM implementations, namely Pre-WS GRAM and WS GRAM, with some exceptions that GT 3.0 and GT 5.0 only support Pre-WS GRAM.

The example usage of these actors can be found at the Section 7.3.2 of user manual.

We implemented two sets of Globus actors. The first one is only tested in Globus toolkit 3.0 environment and the second one is only tested in Globus toolkit 4.0.7 environment. So if they are used in other Globus environment version, these actors and jars may not work, and need to be updated.

We plan to test and update these actors to work with Globus toolkit 5.0 in the future.

The commands to add Pre-WS GRAM actors into Kepler 2.0 suite:

cd build-area
ant change-to -Dsuite=globus3.0
ant run

The commands to add WS GRAM actors into Kepler 2.0 suite:

cd build-area
ant change-to -Dsuite=globus4.0.7
ant run

Since these actors are not fully documented, you can not search them in Kepler right now. But you can initiate the actors by specifying the class name. The menu item for it is 'Tools'-->'Initiate Component'.

You can also have a look at these actors by opening the demo workflow at globus4.0.7/demos/.

More information about Globus toolkit and GRAM can be found at and

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