Recent Changes
Program: ICCS 2012: Advances in the Kepler Scientific Workflow System and Its Applications
Call for Papers: ICCS 2012: Advances in the Kepler Scientific Workflow System and Its Applications
Transferring Data from SPAN to DataTurbine with SpanToDT
- This document describes how to run SpanToDT, a program that transfers sensor data and metadata changes from SPAN to a DataTurbine server.
Creating KAR files
- This page will describe how to create KAR files from both the Kepler desktop application and also by using the java jar utilities.
The overview of the Workflow Run Engine component
- This page explains the workings of the Workflow Run Engine component, which executes Kepler workflows remotely. It also provides detailed information on its APIs, and installation instructions.
Update Ptolemy Third Party Package Dependencies
- Kepler uses Ptolemy II and Ptolemy II optionally includes third party packages. See below for a description of what files need to be updated to exclude a Ptolemy II third party package.
What's New
Building Kepler 1.0
Reporting 2.3 Add-on Suite Released
- The Reporting module adds useful features to the Kepler scientific workflow system, including the ability to track the provenance of workflow results, design reports displaying results, and manage workflow runs. Reporting 2.3 addresses many bugs, adds new features, and makes many improvements to the GUIs of Reporting 2.1. A new Workflow Scheduler suite is also included, enabling users to schedule workflows for periodic execution by a remote Kepler server.
Kepler 2.3 Released
- Kepler 2.3 is an incremental improvement upon 2.2. It contains many bug fixes and infrastructure improvements, paving the way for smoother minor, patch, and 3rd party add-on module releases in the future. Some improvements and additions to the GUI will also be noticed, including preliminary support for exporting workflows to static images and html, and a vastly improved Automate Layout feature.
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Kepler Workshops
Configuring and Running SPAN
- How to configure and run the SPAN software
Serpens Suite for Kepler released
- The Serpens suite for Kepler, a set of actors, composites and workflows that provide support for different grid middleware stacks - (e.g. gLite and UNICORE), has been released by the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC).
Eclipse Run Configuration New Configuration Button
- The New Configuration button in the Eclipse Run Configuration Window.
Eclipse Preferences Window, Compiler Pane
- The Eclipse Preferences Window with the Compiler Pane showing that the "Compiler compliance level" is set to 1.6
Eclipse Run Configuration Window for HelloWorld
- The Eclipse Run Configuration window for the HelloWorld example
Eclipse Override/Implement Window
- The Eclipse Override/Implement Window with the method selected.
Eclipse Organize Imports Window
- The Eclipse Organize Imports Window with selected.