Recent Changes
Workflow Director and Actor Dialogs
Visual Redesign Notes
Splash and Welcome Screens
Semantic Annotation Dialogs
Semantic and Structural Type Checking Dialog Boxes
Query Builder Dialog
Search Dialogs
Menus and Toolbars
Interest Groups
- Interest groups are formed by three or more individuals with a common interest in a functional or topical area related to Kepler. Forming an interest group provides participants with a collaboration mechanism that permits all interested parties to discuss and contribute to the topic. Interest groups that wish to collaborate to develop a specific product can propose a task group to do so.
Kepler User Manual
- The Kepler User Manual is a comprehensive Kepler reference with chapters dedicated to the Kepler project and history; installing and running Kepler; scientific workflows; working with existing scientific workflows; building scientific workflows with existing actors; working with data sets; using remote computing resources (the grid and Web services); mathematical, data analysis, and visualization packages (R, MATLAB, ImageJ, GIS systems); domain specific workflows (examples of Kepler workflows prototyped or built for chemistry, ecology, geology, molecular biology, oceanography, and phylogeny domains); creating new actors; and using R in Kepler.
Proposed Build System Use Cases
Build System Use Cases
Kepler Core
Kepler Core Award Announcement
Kepler Core: Vision and Mission
Kepler Users
Implementation: Time Estimates for UI Improvements
Kepler UI Discussion: Archived Comments
Extension build system overview
- Overview of the extension build system development project.