Recent Changes
Eclipse New Java Class Window
- A screen shot of the Eclipse "New Java Class" window right before Finish is selected.
Python and Kepler
- Details about the Python Actor
Kepler-dev/kepler-users Answers
Provenance Interest Group
2011-10-05 telecon
SPAN server documentation
- SPAN server documentation
Configuring Gumstix Software
- Instructions for installing and configuring software on gumstix overo
Deployment Components Overview
- This page describes the components on the Linux PC deployed with the data logger.
Running Sensor Simulator
- Instructions for running the sensor simulator
Instructions to build Matlab JNI libraries in Kepler for Matlab actor
- To run Matlab actor in Kepler, the Matlab JNI library sometimes needs to be rebuilt. This page explains how to create the Matlab libraries for users own environments.
Interfaces to Provenance for REAP
- This page describes ongoing work and plans for developing interfaces to and extending the Kepler Provenance Framework so that data stored in provenance may be used to help complete REAP usecases. We also plan to help satisfy the emerging provenance-related needs of Kepler Reporting.
Provenance Recorder Instructions
- This page contains information about the KFlex, an Adobe Flex based Kepler Client developed at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Kepler 2.2 released, June 15, 2011
Engineering View Architecture and APIs
Distributed Execution Interest Group
- Designs, develops, and tests a general framework for transporting and executing workflows and sub-workflows across a distributed set of computing nodes in order to improve execution performance through the use of multiple distributed computing nodes. Provides documents which can provide proper solutions or suggestions to different requirements on scientific workflow distributed execution.
Serpens Suite in Kepler
- Serpens Suite in Kepler is implemented by PoznaĆ Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland to support Grid workflow execution. Its provides actors in three modules, namely gLite, UNICORE and Vine Toolkit, to support corresponding Grid workflows.
Distributed Master-Slave Task Group
- Master-Slave Distributed Execution framework in Kepler is to facilitate Kepler users to harness the power of multiple computing nodes to accomplish computations that would be difficult, time-consuming, or impossible to accomplish on a single node.
Dealing with memory leak in Kepler
- A page for how to track down performance and memory problems in Kepler, and how to prevent future memory leaks.