Recent Changes
Workflow Run Manager/Tagging Integration Usage Scenarios
- Usage scenarios (ie. narrative usecases) that elucidate the relationship between the tagging functionality and the WRM
Component Search Usage Scenarios
Tagging usage scenarios
Engineering View Usecase - DEPRECATED
- Description of a first engineering view usecase.
Distributed Execution Working Group Chapter
Kepler Integration with Clotho: Development Plan
- Here we will keep high level information on the development of this project. This work is ongoing and the best place for the latest information is
Summary of the Master-Slave Distributed Execution Framework of Kepler 1.0
- Summary of the Master-Slave Distributed Execution Framework of Kepler 1.0
Questions for informing work on Kepler configurability
- A number of decisions need to be made about what will be configurable in version 2.0 and later versions of Kepler. The following are questions intended to help us arrive at an understanding of the issues; guide design work; and identify and prioritize development tasks.
Kepler Newsletter May 2009
- Articles on web accessibility for Kepler, the revised build system, and an update on organization infrastructure for the Kepler Project.
May 2008
- Kepler newsletter for May 2008: Kepler 1.0.0 release announcement; feature on REAP
Kepler Newsletter September 2008
- The Kepler Newsletter, September 2008; contains overview of the pPod project; synopsis of the Stakeholder's meeting; Tech Tip; and upcoming events.
Kepler was featured in a Scientific Computing article.
- Kepler was featured in a Scientific Computing article by Terence Critchlow, the SPA Thrust Area Lead within the SciDAC SDM Center.
Hello World Tutorial Screenshot
Jar Dependencies
Red Triangle
Ppod Module Tree
Abstract Module Tree
2009.04.21 Keplre Release Meeting Notes
- Notes from a conference call on 4/21/09 about the Kepler 2.0 release.
DefaultViewPane locations where TabPanes can be added
- This image shows the four locations that are available in the DefaultViewPane implementation of the ViewPane extension point. TabPane extensions can be added in any of the four locations.
DefaultViewPane complete area in red
- This image shows Kepler opened using the DefaultViewPane implementation of the Kepler ViewPane extension point. The area outlined in red is the area that a ViewPane takes up. You can switch between ViewPanes using the drop down selection box on the right side of the menu area at the top.