Recent Changes
Japanese translation of Kepler Getting Started Guide
- Makoto Oba and Akiko Ogawa have translated the Kepler Getting Started Guide into Japanese.
store data turbine data to metacat workflow prototype
Kepler Codeswarm
- Codeswarm visualization of commits to the Kepler project.
Building Kepler Installers
- How to build Kepler installers from the build system
Web User Interface Interest Group
- Overview of an interest group that discusses and charters efforts to provide web access to Kepler.
Kepler Licensing
- Policies about licensing of files in Kepler and within the Kepler repositories.
Master-Slave 2.0 RoadMap
- the RoadMap for Master-Slave 2.0 release, which includes the objective, concepts, main functionalities, detailed capabilities, limitations, and to-do list.
Module Descriptions
- This page contains a description of all of the modules, their rationale, function, and license.
Master-Slave Capability Summary
- This page will describe what the ActorMetadata object is and how it is used.
Kepler MoML
- This folder contains information about the relationship between Kepler MoML files and Ptolemy MoML files.
KAR Manifest Specification
- This page describes the KAR Manifest and includes information on usage.
- Ptolemy II
Clotho-Kepler-Spectacles Icon
- Clotho, Eugene, Spectacles, and Kepler: The official winner of iGEM 2009's "Best Software Tool"
Kepler Integration with Clotho
- This project illustrates one approach to integrate the Clotho Design Environment with Kepler. Clotho is a design environment for synthetic biological systems. The goal is also to develop new actors which will be based on operations available in Clotho for the physical assembly of DNA sequences. This effort will be part of the 2009 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition. For more info on Clotho see: (information and downloads). For the integration effort see: (actors and workflows).
Enable Globus actors in Kepler 2.0
- This page explains how to enable Globus actors in Kepler 1.x and 2.0
Menu System
- Description of adding menus and context menus to Kepler.
- Reference documents for Kepler developers.
Kepler Management Charter
Leadership Team